The Samurai were the warrior clan under the Emperor during Japan’s Imperialistic period.
They were a separate caste altogether, born & reared as warriors. From an early age, they were trained in Physical, Martial,
Mental, Spiritual & Philosophical aspects. They were Samurai, a class apart from the common man.
The Samurai warrior followed a specific Code of behavior called BUSHIDO.
During his lifetime, he strictly adhered to this code of thought, behavior & attitude. For the Samurai, this code was
above everything. It was his God, his Religion, his gospel truth. His Honor depended upon it. Disobedience of the Bushido
was equal to Death.
Now what was the Bushido? Among many elements of the bushido, prominent ones were as below:
HONOR: The most important quality of the Samurai, One without it was not Samurai. They would live
& die for keeping their Honor. Self Respect, Self Dignity & keeping in line with a Respectful life contributed to
Honor. The Samurai would never do anything that would taint his dignity, respect & Self Esteem.
TRUTH: or Virtuosity. The Samurai was honest & righteous
in all that he did. The Samurais word was totally dependable. The Samurai was never afraid to face reality in its such-ness.
He was ready to understand & face the truth and was a strong protagonist of the truth. He would fight for the truth and
lay down his life for it.
COURAGE: The sheer mettle of the Samurai, the ferocity
of his attack, the ability to risk his life each and every time in impossible situations. He would give his very best at every
moment irrespective of injury, tiredness or personal loss.
SPIRIT: This was the “Never say die” attitude of the Samurai, who fiercely believed
that the Victory was his birth right and that he would win till life existed in him. Even when the odds were against him,
the samurai never believed that he could lose. He matched physical courage with indomitable mental spirit.
DESTINY: The Samurai believed that he would live with his Bushido, his values. That correct
values would lead to benefits and good results. Like in “Karma” – What you do, shall be returned to you,
that the consequences of your actions would depend upon the nature of the actions. Good comes to those who do good & vice
SEPPUKU: In the rare advent of the Samurai breaking the Bushido, he would fall in society’s
eyes. And he would be disgraced in the eyes of his fellow clan. He would above all, fall in his own eyes. As per the Bushido
code, The Samurai who has lost Honor would have one chance to redeem his honor - by voluntarily killing himself in a public
ceremony by slicing his sword across his belly & bleeding to death – called Seppuku (Or Hara-Kiri). This was considered
an important event in Japanese Society.
You too, Like Samurai, must ask yourself Whether you have formed any Code or
Bushido to live your life with...
HONOR: Do you believe in Self Respect & Dignity? Are u doing business with Values? Are u allowing
other people to demean u & put u down? Do u like yourself? Or the way u behave? Do u respect your own self?
TRUTH: Do you have virtuosity or righteousness? Do you
believe in right & wrong & do u live life with some values or just live life towards selfish, personal & material
benefits? Do u have one set of values for yourself & another for others? OR do u simply fool urself that u have all the
COURAGE; Do u have the physical will, bravado & courage to fight for the truth? Or dont u care for
SPIRIT: Do you have the unbeatable spirit of the Samurai? Will u give up Everything for all u believe?
DESTINY: Do u believe that the Good you do will be returned back as good to you?
If u haven’t any Bushido, NOW the time has come to rethink, reform your CODE & live life with it !