Traditions are based on a) religions b) cultures
c) ethnic habits.
Man must remember that traditions were made for
the individual and that individuals cannot end up becoming slaves of the system.
Systems have agenda which have goals. The goals
are toward the betterment of the individuals who form the system. The rules of the system are made to cater to the average
individual of the system.
Many a time however certain individuals who are
higher in thought, ability and aptitude may feel the rules restraining. They must then carefully assess their goals and their
own ability to stray from the system and survive, if not rule. After being very certain that they can do well without the
constraints imposed by the system, they must alter course, break the rules with conviction and endure the consequences willingly,
good or bad.
In the words of the Buddha,
Do Not Believe
in the strength of Tradition
Even if they have
been held
In honor for many
Generations and many Places
Do not Believe
Anything because many people speak of it
Do not Believe
in the strength of the Sages of old times
Do not Believe
that which You yourself have imagined
Thinking that
a God has inspired you.
Believe nothing
which depends only on Authority of
Your Master or
of Priests
After Investigation,
Believe That Which
You yourself have
Tested and found Reasonable,
And which is for
Your Good and that of Others.
(Words of Wisdom from the Buddha)