is a good time because one feels well in control of his life. Finances, work and family all seem to settle down. Wisdom and
Maturity keeps one safe from day to day problems of living.
Age is catching up rapidly. Greying Hair, Balding, Pot belly, Overweight, Muscular atrophy (shrinking), diseases like High
BP, Diabetes, Joint degenerations likec spondylosis, Backache, Acidity etc are a concern.
one starts getting inferiority complexes. What happened to me? I used to look so young. Now the young do not want my company.
My children avoid me, I am a disciplinarian to them. I don’t seem to have any fun, but am only making money.
has to balance his work with pleasure, fun and family life and interactions. One must refrain from hair dye to hide the ageing
as this will only exacerbate age related complexes.
all one must realize that we all are on the same train from churchgate to virar, only at different stations. That you are
the same whether a child in school, young man in college, husband, father or retired man.