People are neither good nor bad, they behave good at times and bad at times
Take good with gratitude, don’t be surprised by the bad. Good and bad instincts are
both human qualities, though of higher and lower beings.
Life is a karma cycle – What goes in, comes out. Do more good than bad, you will
have a good journey with good outcome. Do more bad than good, you will have a bad journey with bad outcome. the good you sow,
you reap. The bad you do comes back to you. All this is via your vibration and peoples reaction to it.
Live one day at a time. Attend to one problem
at a time.
Concentrate on path, not the destination. No happening will make you permanently happy.
No tragedy lasts forever.
A spate of good luck is followed by bad. And vice versa. Nature belives in balance.
The harm done by many bad people is often upturned by the good done by a single man. The
good done by many at times is offset by the bad done by one man.
What goes up comes down. Do not struggle to rise
above your capabilities. Use effortless effort. A successful man happens to be at the right place at the right time.
Life is purposeless. Find interesting goals and discard worthless ones. Savour the moments
without getting obsessed by the future.
Loneliness is a reality. One is really alone. Help others in distress and someone will
think of helping you.
We all start and end at the same point, irrespective of money, status, etc It’s the
journey that matters.
The journey has three types of moments
High moments: High will soon settle, so enjoy it to fullest.
Routine moments: Are better than trouble, so relax and wait. Beware of Change. Change will
only bring big success or big trouble.
Low moments: Either you will die or
the problem will die. If you are not going to die, then the problem certainly will.