Please Refer first to the previous page on MIND COMPARTMENTS.
Decisions made by the large part of the Brain called Cerebral Cortex (or Head) are based
on logic, reason and judgment.
Decisions made by the Hypothalamus, a small part of the Brain are made based upon instincts,
feeling & emotional reasons (Heart), so they may not always be correct.
Like previously mentioned, ID refers to Ones Thought and Behavior governed by Instincts.
Instinctive behavior is hypothalamic and seldom based on logic or reasoning which originates
in cerebral cortex.
Instincts include good and bad instincts, like instinct to protect, instinct to destroy,
instinct to dominate and bully, instincts of jealousy, compassion, etc
One must learn not to be governed by bad instincts. Mind may at times harbor bad thoughts
but they must never be translated into bad actions.