Meditation is of two types
Techniques like Pranayama (breath concentration),
Transcendental Meditation (Aum) and Vipassana (sense concentration) all deflect your over burdened mind to another zone of
concentration. They solve the troubles in your mind by diversion. There is no direct attack on complexes and insecurities
Techniques like those used by Krishnamurti, Osho
and Zen can make you face the reality in your mind by a direct confrontation with your Self. One has to face the noise in
the mind to awaken the music.
So engage in contemplation. Ask yourself for e.g.
“Why do I do this? Why not that? What prevents
me from doing what I want?
Am I afraid? Of What ? Why? What are my worst fears?
Who am I? What is my goal in Life? What do I really
want from life?
What is my definition of happiness? How can I get
that? Will that happiness last? How long?
What is love? Whom do I love? Why? Is it selfish
love or unconditional love?”
And so on. Observe yourself in relation with others.
Outline your needs. Change to a better self and experience a better tomorrow!