All Life has three stages.
Stage of Growth
Physical: You grow, bones get taller, muscles get bigger and you blossom from childhood
to youth.
Mental: Your enthusiasm skyrockets. You have a never say die attitude. You are happy,
high and don’t ever seem depressed.
Health: Your Body is at its peak health irrespective of what junk you eat, whether you
exercise or not, whether you overwork or not. Healing is rapid, fractures heal effortlessly, diseases cure with minimum medications.
Stage of Maintenance
Physical: You are staus quo. You remain the same neither getting better nor worse. A
paunch may appear out of the blue.
Mental: Your enthusiasm is steady with some highs and some lows. You get exasperated
at times, while at other times you are very enthusiastic.
Health: Your Body is maintained. Exercise, Diet, Rest and Sleep begins to matter. You
enjoy good health with good lifestyles and the reverse also is true.
Stage of Degeneration
Physical: You age rapidly, bones get hollow, muscles get weaker, and you wither from
youth to old age.
Mental: Your enthusiasm pummels down. You have a never say die attitude. You are gloomy
many times and always seem depressed.
Health: Your Body is at its lowest health irrespective of what healthy food you eat,
even if you exercise, whether you rest or overwork. Healing is slow, fractures take ages to heal if at all, diseases are resistant
to healing and leave residual complications.