A Youths life of dating, courtship and romance culminating in marriage and legal partnership intended for a lifetime.
This stage is largely governed by fully developed Freudian Complexes.
In youth one is impulsive. This makes one feel that he really knows what he wants from life and the recklessness of
youth makes one nose dive into circumstances without analysis. E.g. going overseas for education, getting married, doing drugs
of abuse, leaving home. All of these are difficult decisions to be taken after some senior advice, contemplation and weighting
the odds.
Quite often Marriage may be to permanently endorse the male female relation so that there is no question of any other
competition, infidelity or option.
Bad decisions can make one repressed as most of these decisions are often permanent. These repressions can make one
feel helpless and frustration builds within. As one grows these multiply and become part of ones inherent personality.
Again one has to constantly wonder why he is behaving in a particular fashion and strive to change thinking, then attitude
and finally behavior always in that order to ensure success.