Money is an up gradation of the barter system. Today
man buys everything by money exchange. Food, Shelter and all amenities of living can today be purchased this medium. So man
regards money as the most important necessity for survival. He is prepared to give up everything for this resource.
The phrase –‘God made man, man made
money, money made man mad’ is to be remembered. Agreed, Money is an urban necessity, but one should never forget that
money is not going to give you happiness. Happiness is a state of mind that results because of proper thoughts, behavior and
contentment. None of these depend directly upon money.
So if one has to choose between money and ethics,
it is always better to choose ethics. As by choosing money, you will get happy for a few moments or days but if ethics are
sacrificed in the process, your unconscious mind will not like it. Then there will be a superego ego imbalance. (Please Refer
to the relevant pages on SUPER EGO & EGO). That will break your peace and threaten to take away your sanity.
Remember till today, no one has claimed to have
made ‘enough’ money. Everyone wants a little more. The one who has more than he needs is RICH. The one who has
less than he needs is POOR. So the poor man on the road is used to sleeping on the pavement and eating leftovers as food.
He will stay rich till he does not crave for more v/s the rich man who has more expense than earning, who will stay poorer
than the poor man. Once the poor man starts craving for more, he suddenly becomes poor and similarly when the rich man gets
content and denies further desires, he gets rich! So, its all in the mind. You decide whether you are rich or poor.