Man has a front, a mask behind which he hides his
true self, his feelings and nature. This mask is a portrayal of what may be not.
So you see men saying what they don’t mean,
smiling when they don’t feel like, praising when they feel contempt.
This front will split your self image in front of
your mind. Deep down, you will feel that I am behaving like I am not. Either to humour others, or for material gain or to
avoid scorn from society.
Destroy the mask. Do not be afraid to show others
how you are. If you are ashamed of your qualities, change them. Its never too late. You are investing in your mind. Don’t
do what you don’t feel like. Do what you have been wanting to do for years. As long as it does not hurt, harm or destroy
Ask yourself ‘Do I like who I am?’ If
not, start working on a new self. Tomorrow is yet another day! Today is gone with the wind.